Miami Medieval Club

A pair of people in medieval garb fighting outside with fake swords and shields whiel an unarmed person with a staff watches. Part of a shield and fake sword can be seen in the right.

The only club where swords are encouraged

Miami Medieval, as an unofficial partner of the Society for Creative Anachronism, is a club dedicated to recreating all the best parts of medieval life from art, clothing and dance to whacking away at each other in plate armor. Our weekly meetings feature period rapier fencing and armored combat. Never held a sword? Equipment is available for newcomers and experts will be there to show you the ropes! Interested in arts or archery? We have equipment for that, too! We even have a lute, for the musically-inclined!

Our meetings are at McGuffey 224 on Mondays from 7 to 9 pm. There is no obligation and no dues. Everyone can participate and everyone is welcome! 

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Miami Medieval HUB Page