League History
Past, present, and future of the League of Geeks unites at Origins 2019.
It all started when…
In the 2012-2013 academic year the president of MEGA, Dan Volkman, had an idea. For years MEGA had spent a great amount of times both collaborating with other similar geeky organizations on campus (especially for their annual Halloween event amongst others) and spawning several organizations that started under the MEGA banner. The idea: We should get six of the geeky groups together for a Geek Symposium, where every group interested would present on an educational topic related to their organization. That year and the next an event was held with that format.
On October 19, 2013 the representatives brought together of those organizations started discussing with the MEGA Advisor (who worked with student organizations and helped new organizations form) what the process would be of turning this council of organizations into an official organization. On January 28, 2015 the organization was officially recognized as an independent organization. The group had decided to bump up the Symposium to a full small con with not only panels and educational discussions but also different events and screenings. The final Geek Symposium did not go well-low attendance and lack of attendance had the newly minted Council of Geek that represented the League of Geeks to have an all-night brainstorming session to decide how to fix the event.
Over the course of that night and the remainder of the semester a plan was hashed out. Through laughs, tears, arguments and fun times, the Council hashed the idea for RECON: the Recreation and Entertainment Convention. Ideas were spawned changes made, and on the weekend of February 26-28, 2016 the first RECON was held with special guests The Doubleclicks and Steve Blum. The event was a rousing success and won the Event of the Year award for the first time and the organization was also named Student Organization of the Year. The legend of The League had begun…